
Story that almost makes me suspended as student.. aiyoh~

Phew~ last nite meeting with HIMSAK UiTM makes me wonder. I was almost suspended from my title as a student, a UiTM student. huhu.

sgt takot. brader President Nik Saiful n S/U Agong Ju-we yg cakap diorang bekap nama aku kaw2. yelah coz PMN yg aku tulis report much ado with the politic, namely, the opposition.. haha. gilew kan?

Diorang cakap, Dato Dollah hampir gugur taraf status pelajar aku. tp sebab diorang bekap elok2 baru lepas. (tak tahu la lau diorang masih dendam ngan aku). Ye ar, sebab berhari-hari mereka kena panggil dgn Canseleri sbb benda ni je. Memang TNC HEP Dato Dollah nak cari aku. huhu

Herm. kot mane2 pun, itu lah cabaran jadi wartawan. huhu. aku ni pegy kaver story tu, tak semestinya aku sokong diorang. nama pun jadi reporter kan...ai...nak wat cane..mcm slalu tagline yg aku ckp, wartawan ni, antara syurga dan neraka memang terpaksa pilih dua2..

*tp tagline ni pn ramai gile pihak yang marah. huhu*

btway, ini story yang saya buat...:)

A ‘pow-wow’ without the ‘wow’ factor
By Nor Hidayati Mokhtar

KUALA LUMPUR: The first-ever gathering of varsity students from public and private universities across the country failed to live up to expectations.

The much-hyped National Students Assembly (Perhimpunan Mahasiswa Negara) attracted a mere 211 undergraduates instead of the anticipated thousands following months of promotion by the organisers through social networking site Facebook.

The only silver lining from the event held at the Chinese Assembly Hall on Jan 11 was that the attendees represented the relatively high number of 86 institutions of higher learning.

Originally mooted by Universiti Malaya student Fahmi Reza, the event was intended as a platform to build solidarity among students on issues related to their education and welfare.

Many students, however, expressed disappointment at the poor turnout and questioned whether their peers were interested in student rights like their predecessors in the 1960s.

Poh Wee Chern from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) lamented the low interest in any of the seminars or forums held during the Assembly.

“How can we hope to build a better generation when many of us don’t seem to bothered with the issues and problems affecting students, let alone the community that we live in,” he told Varsity Voice.

Other students from both public and private universities and colleges such as Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK), Segi College and Multimedia University expressed similar sentiments, noting their problems would never be resolved given the apparent apathy from the wider student fraternity.

Despite the rocky start, students pledged to hold a meeting every weekend while the Assembly succeeded in passing several notable resolutions.

Among them were resolutions to establish a students’ cooperative (Koperasi Mahasiswa) to support their welfare, greater student autonomy as well as student empowerment via the Respective Student Councils and Student Unions.

They were also decided to hold a National Students Assembly meeting each weekend.

The National Student Assembly featured a newly-formed ‘Students’ Parliament’ with draft bills presented by the registered speakers. To be passed, bills required votes from two thirds of the members of the Students’ Parliament.

p.s : pix tu pix budak yg pegy PNM ni...pix dia pun kuar dlm Varsity Voice...ehm..lau TNC dapat dia memang selamat la..huhu


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