
Dear God, by Avenged Sevenfold

Dear God by Avenged Sevenfold

This is the song I listen over and over and over again.

A very deep in the meaning that I cannot ever succeed to describe.

It's enough by saying that this song, is really suiting my condition, ever, in my love life.

Because all my life, I really wish a man would sing this song to me.

A man who thinks that I am very special

A man who thinks that he is really suffered when parting from me, when he left me.

A man that never exist.

And I dont know whether he will exist, or not.

And I could just waiting in hope.. or despair.

'Dear God, the only thing I asked of you,

Is to hold her when I'm not around, when I'm much too far away,'

Because I am so tired of being alone.

So tired and exhausted being a punchbag.

I just wish a sincere man would come upon me, telling me he'll always be there for me

Telling me he'll always be the first I see when I wake up

And the last I see when I'm asleep

A man to make me feel so secured that hell never leave me

Or suffer if he did.

Should I pray again in hope?

Or should I restrain again in despair?

I dont wanto to do both

Cause sometimes I wish, that all my entire hearts is gone.

Dear God, the only thing I asked of you is to send me a man of this dream.

The one I can be rest assured with.


Seksanya Mencari Pet Shop di Kota Bharu..

Mayu-Chan, 4months.

Macam tajuknya, semacam itu lah seksanya aku nak menaip entry ni. huhu..

Setelah mendapat 'cuti buat sendiri' dari NST Pahang, aku bergegas pulang ke kampung. yelah, sudey 2bulan ku tidak pulang. sekok sebok doh rindu kapong, hehe

Kampung ku masih mcm dlu, cuma sudah ada few more development... bypass nk direct pergy Tesco dari Pasir Pekan, jalan baru nak g Tesco pun sudey siap.. n skang menanti bypass ke KB Mall ala-ala sunway pyramid dari arah Kubang Kerian.

So bile sudah smpai umah tempat tumpah darah, antara perkara pertama selain peluk parents of course, cari my cat, Mayu-chan. hurm. sudey gemukk sekarang. ekor pn makin cantek. huhu

so lepak pny lepak, my parents ckp nak hntr aku pulak pegy kuantan, means kena cari pet shop la untuk tggl dia sbb abang ku jugek keluar tabligh 3 hari.

maka merisik la aku ngan my sis kat mane nk cari pet shop kt sini. payah wei.. sungguh payah.

google memang haram lah.. takat jumpe satu je, tu pn jauh,Pet Beauty House kt long yunus, da jalan nak menuju ke wakaf mek zainab da.. n lagi satu kt dusun muda. haa yang tu dekat.

cuma masalah mayu-chan aku neyh belum penah kena vaksin so yg V Care dekat dusun muda tu tarak mahu amek. kalau nk vaksin pun, still kena tggu 3 minggu baru boleh tinggal,sbb vaksin baru bagi kesan katenye.

so plannye, nk tggl kat pet beauty house la, n sebelum tu vaksin dlu kt V Care.

jadi smalam pegy lah aku ke V Care tu just nk vaksin... bila dia amek suhu budak tuh, dia kata demam. DEMAM? macam pelik pulak... takkan ktorang x notice kalau dia demam.

*cud be masa amek suhu, dia tgh takot so suhu dia naik, n nurse tu ckp dia demam*

so kena inject la budak tuh. sian pulak aku tgok. hurm...

utk pengetahuan, vaksin tak mahal pun, rm35 je. cuma masalah aku jarang balik so takde sape nk vaksin kan. huhu.

pape hal pun, untuk those yg mencari pet shop di kota bharu, ni hah my suggestion.

1)Pet Beauty House, Jalan Long Yunus, 012-9526363
yg neyh servis pet hotel, RM20 satu malam.

2)V Care Pet Shop, Dusun Muda (dekat Maybank Langgar), 09-7477979
yg neyh murah sikit, dalam RM15 jek satu malam.

3)Klinik Veterinar, Tunjung (dekat Ghazali Perabot),
0129283950, Dr Azila

PS: Mayu-chan aku walaupun da kena inject, rilek je. tak tido smpai pg esok. pening aku tgok!

Mayu-Chan, 6 months, 2.7kg

Lap u Daling. huhu

Kompas Dah Minta Maaf, Bloggers Kita Agaknya Bila Ya?

jgn marah, sejak dua menjak ni mood aku asyek ke politik je...hehe

berita terbaru jadi cover depan Utusan dan BH ari ni ialah akhbar Indonesia, Kompas melafazkan maaf atas laporan palsu aka fitnah terhadap PM dan keluarga beliau..

ni hah, keratan berita tersebut,

Akhbar Kompas mohon maaf kepada Najib dan keluarga


JAKARTA: Akhbar Kompas hari ini memohon maaf kepada Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak dan keluarganya atas satu laporan yang disiarkan pada 4 Ogos lalu yang berunsur fitnah.

Permohonan maaf itu adalah berkaitan dengan tulisan yang mengaitkan isteri Perdana Menteri, Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor dengan sebuah syarikat perniagaan, yang dinafikan kebenarannya dan juga cincin berlian berharga AS$24 juta, yang sebenarnya tidak pernah dipesan oleh Rosmah. Permohonan maaf itu juga merujuk kepada laporan mengenai bakal besan Perdana Menteri yang dikatakan kononnya mempunyai hubungan dengan mafia Rusia."

Atas berita itu, Pemimpin Redaksi Kompas Rikard Bagun, Sabtu (20 Ogos) di Jakarta, secara khusus menyatakan permintaan maafnya kepada Ketua Kerajaan dan keluarga," kata Rikard dalam Kompas Minggu, hari ini.

Permohonan maaf itu terkandung di perenggan 10, muka surat 10 akhbar berkenaan dalam satu laporan bertajuk "PM Najib Razak: Demokrasi Juga Terjadi di Malaysia", tulisan wartawan kanan Kompas Jimmy S. Harianto.

Harianto yang dihubungi Bernama pada Jumaat lalu berkata, beliau sendiri menyampaikan permohonan maaf secara lisan kepada Najib apabila beliau bertemu dengan Perdana Menteri di Kementerian Kewangan, Putrajaya pada Khamis.

Semasa pertemuan itu Najib menyatakan rasa terperanjat dengan laporan Kompas pada 4 Ogos itu.

"Saya terperanjat dengan laporan itu. Sebab faktanya, saya tahu itu tidak benar sama sekali," Najib dipetik akhbar itu dalam tulisan Harianto hari ini.

"Apa lagi hal ini berkaitan nama Ketua Kerajaan negara jiran, yang mana hubungan kita amat penting sekali," kata Najib.

Pada pertemuan dengan Najib itu, Harianto turut mengadakan wawancara khas dengan Perdana Menteri berkaitan hubungan dua hala Malaysia-Indonesia.

Najib yang ditanya mengenai harapan Malaysia kepada Indonesia sebagai negara jiran dan Pengerusi Asean kali ini berkata, beliau mengharapkan hubungan dua hala yang sangat akrab, ibarat hubungan dua negara jiran yang mempunyai warisan yang sama dan erat daripada segi sejarah.

"Hubungan budaya, agama, dan hubungan kekeluargaan (Najib keturunan ke-11 daripada Kerajaan Gowa, Sulawesi Selatan).

"Sudah tentu hubungan Malaysia dan Indonesia ini diasaskan atas faktor yang lebih istimewa dan lebih unik, dan kita harus menterjemahkan apa yang kita warisi ini sebagai legasi dalam bentuk hubungan pada konteks masa kini. Saling memberi manfaat kepada kedua-dua bangsa," Najib dipetik sebagai berkata.

PM Najib bersama wartawan kanan Kompas. Gambar diambil dari laman web Utusan Malaysia

Perdana Menteri juga percaya isu pertItalicikaian sempadan maritim kedua-dua negara akan dapat diselesaikan namun kedua-dua pihak harus ada kompromi jika mahu mencari penyelesaian politik berhubung isu itu.

Mengenai demokrasi, Najib menjelaskan bahawa demokrasi yang diamalkan di Malaysia adalah sistem yang sudah melalui proses evolusi namun prinsipnya jelas sekali bahawa tidak ada sebarang kekebalan, walaupun kepada parti pemerintah.

"Bila ada pilihan raya, parti pemerintah senasib dengan parti pembangkang. Nasib di tangan rakyat, tak berlaku sebarang manipulasi untuk menentukan kesahihan dari perolehan suara. Undi ditentukan oleh rakyat," kata Najib.

Yang selalu menjadi polemik ialah definisi keterbukaan kerana kerajaan mempunyai pendapatnya sendiri mengenai perkara itu dan parti pembangkang ada pendapatnya juga, namun prinsip utamanya ialah hak rakyat untuk memilih kerajaan secara adil dan bebas.

"Demokrasi berlaku di Malaysia. Parti pemerintah pernah kalah di peringkat negeri dan memang belum pernah di peringkat pusat," Najib menjelaskan.

Mengenai peluang Barisan Nasional (BN) pada pilihan raya umum akan datang, Perdana Menteri berkata, rakyat kini semakin yakin dengan BN berdasarkan keputusan beberapa pilihan raya kecil sebelum ini, namun parti itu tidak menjadikan keputusan-keputusan itu sebagai ukuran mutlak.

Oleh itu BN terus berusaha dengan segala upaya membentangkan agenda dan program yang dapat memberi kepuasan dan keyakinan kepada rakyat.

"Bukan sahaja dengan (membentangkan) program kerajaan, program ekonomi, tetapi juga program yang menyentuh rakyat. Program yang memberi kelegaan dan kepuasan kepada rakyak, terutama dalam konteks fenomena inflasi global - hubungan dengan kenaikan harga makanan dunia.

"Ini semua adalah isu-isu yang perlu kita tangani. Dan yang tak kurang penting ialah menjaga komunikasi dengan rakyat," kata Najib. - BERNAMA

- Berita Harian, 22 Ogos 2011

hah, ni lah dia penangan freedom of speech.

buat yg kurang tahu pasal terms aku guna td, freedom of speech terletak di bawah salah satu akta di bawah UN ataupun PBB yang menjamin hak asasi manusia (United Nations Declaration of Human Rights).

'freedom of speech'
di bawah akta UN inilah membuatkan byk pihak di negara kita suka sgt persoal pasal ni.

sebelum aku ulas lanjut, hai, UN tu jaga sgt lah hak asasi semua manusia? tengok Palestin suda.

Walau apapun yg berlaku, Malaysia tidak boleh ada absolute freedom of speech. sbb Malaysia negara berbilang kaum

boleh ke ckp Islam agama paling bagus? agama korang hancur. kafir? boleh ke ckp adat India tah pape, bising je tiap2 malam? boleh ke nk claim Cina makan pork tu busuk? haram?

hai...silap2 aku pun kena dakwa bawah Akta Hasutan nih...haha

Indonesia negara yang memang amat bebas dan berita palsu itu sumber nya diambil dr blog

bro, blog mane valid.. tak mcm akhbar atau TV.. org yg tak belajar journalism mungkin tak faham kenapa aku ckp mcm ni... dey all akan claim TV, akhbar sume barua kerajaan.

dah tu Harakah, Suara Keadilan, Malaysiakini, Malaysian Insider blah blah blah tu ape? jgn ngata dulang paku serpih...

tapi macam Kompas, bab etika dan tanggungjawab nye aku tak berani komen. tp skali pandang pun tahu lah, niat tidak wanginye mmg nk memburuk-burukkan Malaysia. apepun, dia punye Pemimpin Redaksi Kompas Rikard Bagun dah jadi gentleman minta maaf atas kesilapan diorang.

bloggers kita agaknye bile plak ye?

byk sgt da benda-benda tak masuk akal dituduh ke arah PM dan Rosmah, especially. ape ke benci sgt ngan Rosmah pun aku tak faham.. apa yg aku faham cuma segala yg mereka tuduh, so far belum ada lagi bukti.. tp apa yg terjadi pd mereka (pembangkang) byk sgt da terbukti.. pikir la sendiri..

hurm.. bak kata kawan aku Meor Iszwan, mimpi lah dey all ni nk minta maaf, siap ada blog gelakkan Kompas sebab bacul g minta maaf.

hai. hebat tuh.. agaknya lah smpai parti negara jadi one system party baru takde bloggers mcm ni.. (nk ke??)

P/S: nk claim freedom of speech konon.. minda masyarakat kita yang kelas ketiga dah advance blum? nk capai tahap total freedom? jgn berjuang hny pada nama.. bak kata Tun, pengisian itu jauh lebih susah...


Tiga Tahun Tanpa Keadilan

Tiga tahun tanpa keadilan

lau kita kena aniaya dan dah buat everything we cud, tp takde pape pun dpt setelah tiga tahun

ape kita rase?

sekurang-kurangnya itu yang aku faham dengan perjuangan Saiful Bukhari Azlan

Buletin Utama TV3 edisi 16 Ogos 2011 menyiarkan berita dia

Tiga tahun lalu, pada tarikh hari ini (15 Ogos 2011), Saiful melafazkan sumpah laknat bahawa dia diliwat oleh Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

inilah lafaz sumpahnya,
"A’uzubillahi minas syaitanirrajim. Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Wallahi, Wabillahi, Watallahi. Saya bersumpah bahawa saya telah diliwat oleh Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim pada 26 Jun 2008 iaitu pada tarikh tersebut Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim telah memasukkan zakarnya ke dalam dubur saya. Jika saya berdusta atas pengakuan ini, maka saya berdusta terhadap Allah S.W.T dan saya sanggup menerima azab, dilaknat dan kutukan daripada Allah S.W.T sehingga ke kiamat. Wallahualam."

(Utusan Malaysia, 15 Ogos 2008)
masa tu pun kecoh gak sbb Anwar tak nak angkat sumpah mcm dia, dan ada yg bising sumpah dia xcukup syarat la, tak sah la ada konspirasi la. (konspirasi lagi).

yg aku heran nye bakpe nk pertikai sumpah Saiful?

kenapa tak persoal Anwar tak nk angkat plak?

pada yang tak tau, sumpah laknat bukan sumpah sebarang sumpah. aku tak berani ckp dia punye sumpah tu sah ke tak sah ke ape ke, tapi keberanian dia angkat sumpah tu yg matters.

sbb sumpah laknat ni kalau kita betul2 yakin baru angkat sumpah.

sbb xpelik kalau dia tipu, sekelip mata je dah kena panah petir.

tp tu lah, dok persoal jugak dia nyer sumpah. Anwar tak angkat sumpah tak de menda pulak. aiseh. dabel stendet.

huhu. pelik nor, masyarakat kita kalau terlalu obses macam tu lah, tak leh fikir rasional.

dan tiga tahun dah berlalu. masih tiada apa-apa yang berlaku

kehakiman kita lemahkah?

teringat aku apabila Datuk Zaid buat parti KITA untuk make sure everything is judged on Judiciary/Law. kalau mcm ni lah kehakiman, maka byk lagi yg perlu dilakukan.

back to Saiful punye kes. mcm post entry aku sebelum ni, bukti da ada. sumpah da siap buat da.

apa lagi masalah?

masalah ialah orang yg dia tuduh tu Anwar. Anwar yg bak kata Tun Mahathir dlu, 'Raja Putar Belit'.

so.. jangan pelik la. tiga tahun tu ciput je bagi Anwar. skang dia da drag byk lagi nk kaver kes dia. hurm... 30 tahun pun tak pelik la weh...huhu

sbr la Saiful. kalau kita di pihak yang benar, gelap kan terang jua akhirnya.

sama macam aku slalu ckp kt my sis yg teraniaya. dia lagi la, da hampir 9 tahun tanpa pembelaan, apalagi keadilan...

tp xpe.
ketahuilah sekurang-kurang nya ramai yang bersamamu, Saiful.


Amboi. Who Are You, Anwar?

nah. ni entry pertama aku pasal politik.

aku memang minat politik. sejak aku skolah lagi. tak penah terlepas baca cerita politik.

ni kesah terbaru pasal mantan timbalan perdana menteri Malaysia 'kesayangan' ramai, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

kes mahkamah dia ni dah berkurun-kurun da tertangguh-tangguh. tak faham apa yang lame sgt.

guess what? mentang-mentang dia kena bela diri, dia suarakan nk heret PM Najib ngan isteri Rosmah dan termasuk jugak lah bekas Ketua Polis Negara, Tan Sri Musa Hassan ke mahkamah untuk disoal siasat sebagai saksi.

mereka bertiga adalah antara 18 orang yang turut akan dipanggil untuk soal jawab dalam kandang mahkamah nanti.

amboi. who are you Anwar?

yg aku tak faham, mahkamah boleh pulak bg kebenaran.

yeah congratulations. macamana tah nk respect sistem kehakiman mcm ni?
bersama isteri kesayangan dan aksi lakonan 'kena belasah woo' time Bersih Rally 2.0. sian Kak Wan Omega.

bukti dah ada. motif dah ada. apa lagi yang nak disoal siasat?

betul. mungkin ada konspirasi atas apa yang berlaku pada dia.

tapi kenapa nak menafi hakikat?
konspirasi tak boleh menafikan hakikat.

tak kira sape pun yang berkomplot nak jatuhkan idola pembangkang dan warga muda bajet reformis ni, hakikat dia memang buat liwat tu.

dia memang buat.


itu yang paling utama.

sebenarnya aku tak kesah pun PM ke sape ke kena panggil. sbb tu prosedur mahkamah kan. tp kes dia ni melampau sgt.

benda dah terbukti. nk panggil saksi lagi? adoyai.

padahal dia takut. dan nk heret dan leret lagi kes dia. takat hadap sorang pun dah 3tahun lebih.18 saksi pulak? mau la lagi 5,6 tahun. sistem kehakiman kita kan cekap.

tindakan dia ni tak ubah macam kita gaduh ngan adik-adik time main-main masa kecik-kecik dlu. sbb kalah lumba lari ngan dia, siap slhkan mak ckp bg makan byk2 jadi tak larat nk lari.

huwa. admit je la. adey.

sama macam orang dok sibuk gaduh ngan aku ckp pasal kes video hot dia tu. ape ke hal nye eskay pegy rekod. ape ke jahat nye taktik eskay sembunyi kan kamera. ape ke motif eskay? mesti nk jatuh kan anwar.

aku tanya balik, "kenapa nk persoal eskay? persoal yang rekod? sedangkan dia memang buat."

hakikat dia kat situ, kot mane2 pun dia memang buat. so? nk slhkan eskay? nk slh kan tok Jib? rosmah? sbb komplot nk jatuhkan dia?

hello? yg pegy buat tu pe hal?

woh. kalau mcm tu best la kan. pegy clubbing. skali parent tengok gambar, boleh pegi salahkan member2 yang kantoikan gmbr tu.

the point is? ko pegy kenapa? huhu.

mcm kes dia ni. bukti da ade kan. what's more to say?

jap g ada la maki aku ni ckp bukti pun konspirasi. bukti tipu. mahkamah tipu. saiful kena upah. dlu anwar claim kena cucuk HIV lah, arsenik lah zaman dia kena bicara kes ngan sukma dlu, tak mati-mati pun eh.

sape tipu?

P/S: tak rela kena tipu.


Entry Khas untuk Metallica

exit lights...
enter night...
take my hand
we're off to never never land...

hoho. metallica. band paling awesome dalam sejarah metal. so far yg aku tau la. sbb even until now, vid dey all kat youtube are still watched each and everyday, viewed more than by millions of viewers.

and me? sangat2 lah minat this band. haha. memang tak macam awek.

band ni hebat sebab lagu dia yg sgt2 menusuk kalbu tu. yelah, part of the heavy guitar riffs, bunyi drum yg bingit dan suara keras lagi suka menyumpah vocalist dia, lagu dia tetap hebat. (sebab tu pun lagu dia hebat. haha)

mule2 aku start jatuh ati ngan band dey all nih, time tu aku darjah 6, masa diorang wat kuar album reload (1999) lagu Memory Remains. sbb suara penyanyi jemputan macam suara sudirman. ahaha.

start dari situ aku mule layan dis band. album reload dah kira macam album rock da. previous albums dey all, byk lagu yg sgt heavy... meh aku senarai satu-satu...

first album dey all, Kill 'Em All (1983). nah. tajuk album pun dah nk bunuh orang. memang ganas pun lagu2 dlm ni. uhu. awal2 band ni tetap bersandar pada epic, macam lagu The Four Hoursemen. lagu lain memang lagu nk bunuh orang. haha. mcm lagu Seek and Destroy, Jump in the Fire, Whiplash, Phantom Lord. shiver jugak la lau tak biasa dengar lagu mcm ni. hikhik.

second album, Ride the Lightning. album ni byk more on rebel lagi lah. well, tak wujud sebuah band metal kalau bukan untuk rebel ye dak.

mesej album ni vary. ada on epic theme, macam creeping death, lagu untuk JEWS zaman PHARAOH (kalau uols tak tahu, JEWS dlu ialah slaves PHARAOH before MOSES (Nabi Musa) bebaskan diorang). lagu lain mcm Fight Fire With Fire, For Whom the Bell Tolls dan Ride the Lightning sendiri, byk lagu more on semangat untuk fight back la...

pendek kata kalau jiwa memang tak kacau, tak tensi, DON'T LISTEN TO THIS ALBUM. haha

third album dey all, album yg paling awesome kot, bagi aku, ialah Master of Puppets. Banyak lagu dalam album ni yg jd kegemaran peminat dey all. esp lagu Master of Puppets, Welcome Home (Sanitarium), The Thing that Should Not Be etc.

pada aku album ni awesome sebab album ni terakhir dpt sentuhan Cliff Burton (bassist) sbelum dia meninggal dalam kemalangan jalan raya pada 1986. lagu2 dalam ni pun, tetap memberontak. haha. cuma byk more on fantasy la. mcm Master of Puppets sendiri. tp sgt best.

paling aku suke, Welcome Home (Sanitarium) lah. perjuangan orang gila dekat wad gila. unik kan? hehe

forth album, masih lagi keras, ...And Justice for All. album yang sgt remarkable. byk berjuang pasal ketidakadilan dalam pemerintahan sesebuah negara. n byk mesej perang jugak. mcm lagu One, To Live is To Die, Dyers Eve dan Harvester of Sorrow, album ni sgt2 lah menunjukkan betapa semangat tinggi band ni dlm idup dey all. sbb amat sukar untuk dey all bangkit lepas Cliff da tiada.

fifth album, album yang sangat2 amat memperkenalkan diorang ke semua pendengar musik. lau 4 album sebelum ni, peminat underground scene dan heavy metal je yg layan, album kelima ni memang buat semua tahu band ni. sape tak penah dengar bait 'exit light, enter night?'

cuma yang pelik album ni tade nama. ada orang pggl album tu self-entitled. ada pgl black album. apepun, lagu dlm album ni sgt catchy but still heavy. start dengan Enter Sandman, Don't Thread on Me, Wherever I May Roam, Sad But True dan beberapa lagu slow metal seperti Nothing Else Matters dan The Unforgiven.

pada aku, album ni sgt easy-listening pada mereka yg baru nk berjinak2 dengar lagu metallica. tp stakat dengar n hafal lagu dlm album ni, blum boleh bangga lagi la ckp peminat metallica...huhu. sbb byk lagu dlm album ni dah 'light' skit. paling aku suka dlm album ni, The Unforgiven. lagu tentang survival untuk hidup. n jugak Wherever I May Roam. lagu tentang indipendence. smart gila!

next album ialah Load dan diikuti dengan Reload. Album ni pun da byk menunjukkan Metallica cuba lari dari imej 'metal' dan coba-coba nk jadi rockstar. bukti? sbb dey all da potong rambut. pendek gila. haha. tp aku tetap suka.

dey all ngan ramut pendek. smart kan? haha

lagu-lagu dlm album ni pun da tak heavy sgt. cuma more to relax, but still punching in the lyrics.

after that they all released album 'Garage Inc', album cover lagu band lain yang diorang suke jamming. after quite a long time, si james (vocalist) sangkut ngan alcohol addiction, jason (bassist) left the band, they all came out dengan album baru, St. Anger pada 2004, diikuti dengan Death Magnetic. Album ni back to heavy balik.

Jason Newstead yg macho amat.

tp aku da kurang layan. sbb tak suke bassist baru dia... hahaha. i want jason back!!!

pape hal pun, ni hah line-up metallica.

line-up untuk album Kill 'EM All until Master of Puppets. then Cliff say bye bye...huhu
dari kiri kirk hammet (lead guitar), james hetfield (vocalist/rhythm guitar), lars ulrich (drum) cliff burton (bass)

Line-up baru after Jason was in the band. Jason dipilih jadi bassist baru lepas audition. =)

line up terbaru ngan rob tujilo as the bassist.. unlike unlike unlike. haha. sorry rob.

pada aku yg gila band ni, apa yg paling mahal pada dey all ialah diorang perform lagi hebat dari studio version. imagine la. slalu band kan pancit time perform live. tp metallica tak...metallica live lagi sedap, lagi semangat, lagi gempak lau banding ngan how they sound in album. give yourself a try.

and stakat ni je lah entry general untuk dey all. aku akan sambung lagi untuk special entry. sambung? haha. yah. sebab aku teramat minat band ni kan. haha

p/s: teringat abg long aku dlu story pasal band nih. first time dia dengar album Master of Puppets, time tu dia dok skola menengah, dia demam! sbb penangan album tu. hahaha~

Tiga Abdul, industri seni dulu dan sekarang

pic dari http://www.p-ramlee.com/

Tan Sri P. Ramlee. walaupun beliau telah lama meninggalkan kita, namun jasa dan keagungan beliau dalam industri seni memang tidak boleh dinafi. ye ah. aku yg hidup bukan zaman beliau pun, ley layan muvie yg beliau arahkan.

plg indah, byk statement dlm movie zaman beliau, kita masih guna dengan meluasnya. contoh,

'kecik2 tanak mampus, besar2 menyusahkan orang," dari Seniman Bujang Lapok,
'bodoh, byk makan belacan' dari movie Ahmad Albab
'eh ape da' dari nujum
pak belalang
'hentam sajelah' dari nujum pak belalang

haha. best wo muvie dia. sejak dari aku sekolah rendah, smpai ke sekarang, tgok muvie dia berulang2 pun still leh gelak lagi. tak basi!

ni salah satu muvie hebat beliau jugak, Tiga Abdul


rafidah: maafkan lah adinda kanda. dinda janji tak buat lagi ye kanda sayang.

abdul wahib: tamau sayang! (siap jelir lidah lagi! ahaha)

abdul wahub: eleh. merajuk konon. Penyamun!

hamidah: kanda jangan la merajuk. marilah dinda pujuk.

abdul wahab: tamau!

hamidah + rafidah : tamau sudah!

(aksi tergedik-gedik merajuk yg buat aku tak tahan tu. huhu)

abdul wahub: khadam tua, khadam betina, khadam bodoh nak mampus.

(memang kasar tp the best. haha)

abdul wahub: aku bukan adikmu bahlul!

abdul wahub: apa yang ko tiup. tu ballpen!

sideq segaraga: hamba salah tuan.

abdul wahub: ayahanda marah lagi tak?

sideq segaraga: tidak...

Tiga Abdul, kisah tiga beradik yang kaya raya yang ingin ditipu oleh saudagar kaya yg mahukan harta mereka. tapi si abdul wahub yang bijaksana ni telah menyelamatkan mereka semua dan menjadikan semuanya kembali seperti biasa dengan adil dan seksama.

alah. korang lagi tahu la pasal muvie ni. tapayah aku story pjg. huhu

citer ni memang antara all time faveret aku. Seniman Agung kita ni, selain menyanyi, menari, bikin musik, berlakon, mengarah, buat skrip, memang beliau yang paling hebat. esp muvie lawak dia la. huhu... walaupun lawak, tetap ada pengajaran.

teringat dlu seniman Ahmad Mahmud pernah marah industri kita sebab terlalu agungkan P.Ramlee. sedangkan beliau lansung tidak sehebat mana berlakon. memang, tapi beliau diiktiraf kerana kebolehan beliau yang pelbagai. sedangkan Ahmad Mahmud, seorang pelakon sahaja. walaupun begitu, lakonan beliau memang sangat mantap.

ape ape pun, semua pelakon dan penyanyi industri lame, aku kagumi. sekarang nk cari bakat dan kesungguhan macam diorang, manyak susah. cuba fikirlah, pemenang Pelakon Terbaik FFM ke, Anugerah Skrin ke ape ke, leh ke celen lakonan dey all ni? leh ke celen lakonan Ahmad Mahmud dalam Hang Tuah, Nordin Ahmad dalam Seri Mersing, lakonan Latifah Omar dalam Bawang Putih Bawang Merah? xdpt lagi asenye.

apelagi mereka semua ni berlakon, lansung tiada pengiktirafan macam sekarang. kebanyakan nye merempat je. bukan kaya mcm artis kita sekarang. jadi model produk la, jurucakap kosmetik la, wat konsert la bagai.

Dulu dey all berlakon berpeluh keringat pun, bukan dapat title macam2 Datuk ke ape ke macam sekarang. P. Ramlee pun setelah pergi baru dapat Tan Sri. sama jugak dengan Nordin Ahmad, Ahmad Mahmud, Latifah Omar, S.Samsudin, Ajis Sattar. yg umur panjang je la dapat peluang diiktiraf. yg da pegi?

lagi sedih bila studio jalan ampas di singapore, dihapuskan macam tu sahaja. *damn singapore*

em.. nk salahkan dey all pun tak leh jugak. sebab industri kita lagi suke wat movie komersial. movie gangster la. gelak ketawa la. hantu la. takda pun movie yang leh bagi moral values tentang Malay values yang betul2 mcm movie lame ni.

so lakonan pun jadi komersial jugak lah. arapkan ensem, lawa. citer sume streotype. sebab? kita jugak. masyarakat yg nk benda macam tu. agak2 lau seri mersing dibikin balik, ada ke yg nk g tgok?

hum.. tepuk dada tanya hati.

If you need LUCK to win over us, you aren't BLUES enough, dear

this is my first entry tagged 'bola bola' (football)~

der, i'm a football fan too. during my 11 years old when all gurls the same age as me were crazy about Westlife, BSB and other boybands, i had already been sleeping with Henry No 14's Arsenal jersey. Even until now, Arsenal is still my team. =)

nevermind, about the game just now, Malaysia (ALL STAR they call it) were holding tight THE BLUES in their friendly match as the game ended 0-1. anyhow, the goal was quite controversial as Tiger's goalkeeper already saved it and the ball was just slipped through his hands on the line.


but the referee called it a goal. yeah. that's the only goal to call it a day for THE BLUES.

Well, our team, Tigers were really doing well. Much to say that they were quite nervous but after all, the score says it best. More proudly to say is that The Blues were armed with quite all of their stars including Terry, Drogba and Torres. So we are really not bad.

Like the title, if you need LUCK to win over us, you aren't BLUES enough. haha. Anyway, they came from far for their fans here. so i think the sole goal is worthy.

As to note, before this the Tiger squad were beaten by Arsenal 0-4 and Liverpool 3-6 for their ASIA Tour. neway, the game with Liv was beyond praise. n the game with The Gunners? What to say, The Gunners are always at its best. haha.

Well, let's see how the Tigers struggled during their match with the REDS.

Safee Sali's goal during the match against Liverpool. really a world class goal!

n this is Safiq Rahim's Malaysia's first goal. cannon ball right through the goal. the last time I saw this kinda great goal was by Italy's Dometrio Albertini. He's been called cannon ball maestro.

even though I am not really a fan of local football, but when it comes to putting this country's name at stake, of course, I will be in! haha. like Mokhtar Dahari, our local legend of football once uttered,
"If you're ashamed to stand by your colours you better seek for another flag,"

And me? not ashamed at all.

N I know thousands who watched this game felt and bear the same feeling as mine.


P/S: hope there would be better commentators than Zainal Abidin Rawop. sorry Zainal but I dislike you ever since you were in RTM, especially with your work on badminton match. no hard feeling yaw..=P

Yatt dan Kucing

Oyen Emok.

Kucing? Ya, saya sangat suke kucing.

Kucing dah macam sy punye nadi kehidupan. (boleh?)

Tapi betul. Saya bela kucing selama saya boleh ingat segala ingatan saya. Sejak kecik lagi. Nama-nama kucing tak payah ckp la.. terlalu bnyk smpai sy dah terlupa. huhu..

Kucing2 ni bukan kucing mahal pun. Yang selalu bertebaran kat pasar-pasar basah tu. ha, mcm tu je lah stendet kucing yg sy bela. Dan tempat yg sy dapat budak2 tu pun, selalu nye tepi jalan, takpun diorang dtg menagih makanan kat umah

So sy pun amek la wat manje2.

Tp sy ni boleh kate suke kucing tahap obses la juge

Penah sekali sy balik dari majlis pertunangan kawan saya, Roha. Dia bg nasi dagang n gulai ikan tongkol untuk titipan pulang. so dlm perjalanan bf sy benti la keta kat stesen minyak. punye la byk kucing kt situ. sy pn pegi la bagi ikan tu kt dey all.

Bf sy tersenyum n ngeluh panjang je la sbb melepas lauk dia malam tu. hahaha

Pape pun, sepanjang sy penah bela kucing, sy selalu isau kalau2 kucing tu akan mati.

Dlu sy penah bela Bubu, sebab kaler dia Kelabu. Time tu sy kat UiTM, saya demam teruk so tak telefon umah. Bila dah sembuh sikit tepon, abah sy kate, dia da tadey.. sebab ekor dia kena racun. betul2 time sy demam.

sy rilek je. tp bila da cuti, sy balik, sy pegy tempat dia main, sy panggil dia kuat2.. smpai la suara sy da tak terkeluar sebab da tersekat dengan sebak dan air mata.

ye ah.. kucing teman sy tido, teman sy main lappy, teman sy buat peluk2, teman jadi bantal sy, teman sy nanges.. tibe2 ilang. time tu sy mesej sume org nk share sedih. haha. punye la haru.

paling ralat, sebab sy tiada di sisi dia. kalau sy ada kat umah time tu,da tentu sy bawak g klinik.biarlah. da bukan jodoh sy panjang ngan dia. nk wat macam mane kan...

lepas da lame tak berkucing, ada la dlm setaun, sy jumpe kucing baru.. Maru n Maro. tp jiran bertuah sy telah mencilok Maro dan kini hanya tinggal Maru je lah.. hurm.. marah tol sy tp nk wat cane, takkan sal kucing pun nak gaduh kan..

Maru dok bawah kipas.

Maru ni comel gile. suke usik lappy kalo sy dok asyek menaip FB atau Blog. dia akan g kacau kacau duduk atas keyboard. pastu dia jenis suke lepak bawah kipas. n suke tido mengangkang. tak cumel lansung. huhu... pape hal pun, thanks Maru sebab selalu teman sy. I love U.

skang sy dlm poses gemukkan dia. org kata tips gemukkan kucing, make sure jaga kesihatan dia, korek lubang tinge dia, slalu syampu dia sbb nk elak kutu, (kutu lah penyebab kucing tk gemok2)

Dan selain makanan kering macam Friskies tu, ce try bg makanan basah gak macam ayam, ikan yg basah dalam tin tu. lau nk lagi cepat, bagi ayam. memang cpt la gemuk.

tp jgn over bagi takut obesiti pulak. kucing obes? ye ade. kucing diabetes, HBP dan jantung pun ada.. huhu

ni Oyen, Persian cat kucing abg sy.. woo mahal nk bela ni.. huhu

P/S: harap2 t kawen bakal suami letak sekor kucing American Curl atas par hantaran. amiin. hakhak.


it's all about the 'Price Tag'

one of my current fav song in the playlist.

price tag - as in my own interpretation is like our so called 'kasta'

kasta in malaysia, believe it or not, is practiced so often. don't believe me?

just imagine.

when u are shopping, those seems like 'datin' are treated better by the promoter, while u, are only seemed invisible.

same as when u went for interview for jobs, and those who have 'cable' are more likely to get the job.

when u attend any event, those so called VVIP are put in front, while the so called middle class people, are put at the back.

well, that could be only one of my humble opinion.

never mind.

what's more important, this song is very catchy, and very deep in meaning.


Jessie J, the singer of this song

P/S: neglect the sexy Jessy in this vid. haha

calypso ice, Kopie Satu

pernah dengar Kopie Satu?

pernah try Kopie Satu?

sebenarnya rini pun pertama kali aku try Kopie Satu punye produk

sedap amat wehhh.. huhu

ni gara-gara pergi tengok Pesta Flora 2011 di Presint 2, Putrajaya rini.

bergerak ala-ala burger Otai, Melawati Kebab, Oblong Burger etc yang memang idup dengan cara caravan, sama jugak dengan Kopie Satu.

n dey all ni ade outlet sendiri jugak, macam yg kita leh tgok kat bandar sunway. kat sane juga ada pelbagai makanan (western, local) yg boleh dinikmati bersama kopi.

berbalik pada minuman Kopie Satu ni, ia produk under Lembaga Pemasaran Pertanian Persekutuan(FAMA)dan idea dicetus dari mantan PM, Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

antara yang glemer Ice Kopie Latte, Honey Ice Latte, Ice Mocha, Ice Chocolate, Ice Blended Cappuccino, Ice Blended Caramel dan Hot Cappuccino Honey.

tapi agak mahal la.. huhu.. plg murah pun, ice coffee O, rm 3.50. tp, memang berbaloi la sebab sgt masyukk.. lau korang leh spend more than RM10 untuk starbucks, coffee bean and dunkin donuts, tak rugy lau try yg ni.. lagipun produk Malaysia beb... sape lagi nk sokong lau tak kita kan??

n yang paling syok, produk minuman Kopie Satu ni dibru dari pelbagai biji kopi, mcm Arabica sebab nk rasa yang lebih lembut, harum dan kaw.

n aku tak tipu, memang sangat manis, harum dan kaw. kalau org kelantan panggil, 'kopi padat'. huhu,, try ar..

Ni Calypso Coffee yang aku cube td, ice dia made from ketulan coffee. n diminum dengan coffee ice yang biasa. tp memang amat sedap! kalau dah abes, tggu ice dia cair, n boleh minum coffee lagi.. huhu

p/s: yg lucu aku g mintak kurang ice (kunun2 batuk). brader tu tgok aku n ckp dh tak jadi calypso la lau kurang ice. ye la, da special minuman ni sebab ice. haha. bongek tol. korang jangan ikut aku sey!

Entry Khas Buat A.C.A.B

"Skinhead, for life. I'm a skinhead for life.." - itu salah satu bait lirik yang memang pada masa aku layan band ni, buat aku naik semangat dowh. hehe. apepun, sbb diorang aku jadi suke jeans skinny.. (well, da fofuler banget da pun skang..huhu)

A.C.A.B... atau The A.C.A.B

band yang pernah menggegarkan bumi Malaysia dengan lagu keras streetpunk + eastern oi! diorang. tp skang ni sudah sedikit menyepi. fofuler gilak era 90-an, masa tu mereka dibarisi Megat (vocalist/guitarist), Edy(guitar) Anas (guitar) Sham (bass) Black on drum.

EP yang pertama diorang kuar masa 1996, Unite and Fight. Masa tu dey all dah femes dah buat performance di gig dan beberapa underground scene. Selepas itu ia diikuti ngan United & Fight EP (1997), Eastern Oi! (1998), Live and Lout (2000).

ia diikuti pulak lagi dengan Skinhead for Life (2001), yg mana banyak lagu album ni memang kasi shiver down to your spine, especially lagu Skinhead For Life, Racial Hatred dan Streets of Uptown. lagu Streets of Uptown pulak memang mengundang ramai gila peminat dan pendengar lagu dey all...termasuk la aku...huhu.

"Drank in a pub on a Saturday night, me and the boys were felling alright. then we walked the streets feeling lots of pride, proud of our roots and our way of life..." - streets of uptown

tahun 2002, ACAB keluarkan album Orang Timur. album yang sgt hardcore jugak menyeru orang-orang Timur supaya berjuang demi anak bangsa dan negara. dan jugak maruah. (ikut tafsiran aku la..huhu). album ni diikuti dengan album Bangun (2004) yang bertemakan perkara yang sama. ce try dengar lagu Bangun, memang kena weh dgn situasi negara skang. huhu. apa yg paling aku suke lagi dgn band ni ialah, lagu dey all byk ke arah perjuangan dan persahabatan.. contoh mcm lagu Bersama Semula dan Genggam. memang besy.

Pada tahun 2005, lepas Megat balik dr UK (walau tak abes blaja), dey all came out with another new line up, new influence and new fresher tune album, This is The A.C.A.B. time ni diorang da reform, dengan Megat (guitar/vocal), Edy (guitar), Irfan (drums) and Mono (bass). and lagu dari album ni sangat2 lah under influence dari UK rock band... nice though. =) macam Metallica from ...Justice for All to Black album. huhu

n lagu-lagu album This is...the A.C.A.B ni memang masyuk dan ada maksud sendiri. antara sedar dan tidak, lagu ni macam satu perjalanan sebuah cinta yang kecundang. cuba tengok dan nilai sendiri:

  • Bertemu, Angkasa lagu yg memang tgh indah dilamun cinta
  • Astray tgh dilanda masalah & krisis
  • Bermimpi di Siang Hari, dah sedar x sepadan n dah bergaduh
  • Goodbye, Setelah lagu kecewa bercinta
  • Haven't I menyesali betapa dok sedih sgt ngan kekecewaan tersebut
  • Now & Again, lagu bangkit...=)
tak caya, ce dengar sendiri smua ni ikut turn yang aku susun.

and much to mention, band ni byk bg influence gak kat idup aku.. most significantly, is the term 'astray'. yeah, yatt yg astray. term ni asal dari lagu dey all, Astray from album This is The ACAB. aku beli dowh album ni. haha. masa tu aku tgh frust berchenta. typical for 19 years old girl huh. da clash mule la nk emo la, nk protes la bagai. hikhik...zaman muda dowh..

tu salah satu rizen la. rizen lain sebab maksud nama aku, yg ala-ala macam petunjuk gitu.. jadi aku tak rasa aku layak jadi guider.. so dats how the 'astray' term came out. tp sebenarnya memang dlm idup, most of all the time, i am a guider. but sometimes this guider is also lost.. well.. human right.. =)

tp aku start karen ngan lagu ni since lagu legend dey all, Streets of Uptown. Lagu yang memang betul2 hard core punye eastern oi!, memang masyuk dilayan bersama lagu heavy metal like metallica, and speed metal like helloween dlm playlist aku zaman dlu. hehe. tak macam awek lansung. patot la org ckp aku ni tak lemah lembut. tkpe bro, janji dalam hati hanya Allah yang tahu. =)

I've been moaning too much haven't I?
I've been swallowing my pride for all those tears I cannot hide
Haven't I?

Looking back all these years, how i suffered all the pain and tears
Too much regrets i can no longer tell, has turned my life into a living hell
To all my loyalties are unquestionable, i dedicated it all my life and soul
But when all when wrong and the odds were down
No one dared to be around
Weren't there to catch me when i fell

So what should i care?

P/S: part yg no one dared to catch me when i fell to plg aku suka. very punching! anyway, sape2 yg tgh frust bercinta, leh ar try lyn lagu-lagu dey all...=)

My Dear Tun Dr Mahathir

Tun Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad

For the most respected leader, for the most inspiring great thinker, for the most powerful speaker, for the best writer/journalist example, for the most persistent man of his principle, I owe you so much for what I am today.

Happy Birthday dear Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad, too bad I was't born earlier to live under your time. May Allah bless you always. I do love you. =)

Well, so much as said, 10 July is Malaysia's Forth Prime Minister, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammad's birthday.

Alhamdulillah, still healthy at the age of 86, he is undeniably the best Prime Minister that Malaysia ever had.
" Among all ASIA's front man, (again, ASIA, not ASEAN or Commonwealth or whatever region), Mahathir and Lee Kuan Yew are the ONLY country's front man who can shut the foreign media up, "
- Awang Haji Zainal bin Tunggal, the speaker of my module during the Asean Campus Journalist/Leader Exchange Phase IV.

Yeah, there u have it. Awang Haji Zainal did not announce it during the module as it may offend those from other ASEAN countries. But when I speak to him privately, he told me that.

"Just imagine, all the foreign media numb and speechless whenever they wanna try to smash your Prime Minister. He is very smart, and very brave,"

How was I except than flattered? haha. true. even I wasn't matured and big enough when he was ruling, much has I felt as the consequences of his regime (as they called it).

to list? well there's gonna be a very long list. =)

I think enough if i just put it as how much I adore him, and how much he has made me be.

- he made me to become a more persistent person. well, just learn about his principles.

- his wrenching writing always tear my heart down. especially those in the Malay Dilemma. All Malays must read that.

- what has he brought to Malaysia. of course, the development in the country, all the LRT, Monorail, Putrajaya, Cyberjaya, ICT, Petronas, Proton and so many many more.

- he invented a lot of acts, well, not a way of a democracy but just remember one thing, 'In Time of Crisis, the Best Solution would be Authoritative,' and Chinese have became the third world power because the people always obey their leader, and never want to be against them.

- he teach Malaysians to be better thinker, shifting from the third mind into the first class mind.

- and on top of that, he drive the country towards excellence in his own way. yeah, his own 'acuan', own style.

that is what i'm learning from him.

22 years at the helm of Malaysia, he had suffered enough on what has happened during his time. Anwar, ICT, economic downturn, Singapore and so many. But he still stand tall. remember how much Malaysians hate him because of Anwar's case, but where is he now? retired on his own choice...he left when we still need him, still want him...that's one of the most respected act of a leader.

i could still remember how he announced his retirement during the 2002 UMNO's General assembly. my dad fell from his chair and i was nothing more than in tears. is it true? but yes it is. he thinks the time for him has come..

too bad for what happened during Pak Lah. n I really wish Najib can be like him.. musuh yang ditakuti, namun paling dihormati oleh pembangkang.. well, oppositions nowadays not that 'honorouble..'

anyway Tun, I really wish you are healthy, and blessed by Allah. I pray for you everytime I down on my knees. if u happen to read this by any chance, please pray for me too. pray that I would be one of the best Malay you could ever had.

because you are the one who invented 'WARISAN'

and I wanna be the 'Penyambung WARISAN'

thank you Tun. Love You!!

Love Songs Forever in My List


either it is love to family, friends and lovers, or rather a happy love, a 'made for each other' love, a blissful love, a one sided love, a bittersweet fighting love, a tragic forbidden love, a shattering hearts love, a heartbroken separated love or rather a terrible destroyed love.

when comes to love, everyone has got their own way of defining it.

everyone got their own way of feeling it.

everyone has their own way of dealing with it.

and much ado about it, no one can deny the power of love songs.

especially to those who really know the meaning of love. =)

as for me, love songs is a must.. to describe my love, to define my love, and to mend my heart when talking about the hardships of love.

so until now, these are among the love songs that always always in my playlist:

Over You, Learn My Lesson and Life After You - Chris Daughtry
Making Love Out of Nothing At All - Air Supply
I Live My Life For You - Firehouse
Always - Bon Jovi
I Remember You - Skid Row
Better in TIme - Leona Lewis
Here I Am- Bryan Adams
Please Forgive Me - Bryan Adams
Flying Without Wings - Westlife
This I Promise You - `Nsync
Unbreak My Heart - Tony Braxton
It Must Have Been Love - Roxxette
I Have Nothing - Whitney Houstan
It's All Coming Back To Me Now - Celine Dion
It is What It Is - Lifehouse
Speechless - Lady Gaga
When You Said Nothing At All - Ronan Keating
Best I Ever Had - Vertical Horizon
You're God - Vertical Horizon
Fix You - Coldplay
Better Man - Robbie Williams
Total Eclipse of the Heart - Air Supply
What Kind of Man Would I Be - Chicago
Don't Cry & November Rain - Guns N Roses
Your Call & Maybe - Secondhand Serenade

...and still many more....

Malay Songs otherwise;

Cuba, Hanyut & Sampai Syurga - Faizal Tahir
Perpisahan Ini - 1st Edition with Aizat
Kekal - Spider
Terasing - Sudirman Haji Arshad
Engkau Laksana Bulan - P.Ramlee
Sayang - KRU
Semalam Yang Hangat - Wings
Mungkin & Perpisahan - Anuar Zain
Renda & Sendiri Untuk Ke Mana - May
Melawan Kesepian - Siti Nurhaliza
Ketentuan - Ramlah Ram
Semua Tentang Kita - Peterpan
Cinta Dalam HAti - Ungu
Harga Diri - Wali Band
Aishiteru - Zhifilia
Dan - Sheila On 7
Menjaga Hati - Yovie & Nuno


Well, so many many more songs but I wont be able to list them all. what can i say is that, all songs in the list, each has a special and sentimental value upon me and my love experience. (haha. so many??)

Like Over You from Daughtry, it is really a good song for revival if you are heartbroken to be separated from your bf/gf. (it helped me, successfully :P)

N the song 'Best I Ever Had' by Vertical Horizon, believe it or not until now it still managed to make me cry. really deep in meaning and moving in the words.

P/S : so do you have your fave love song? i bet you have. =)

udang goreng mentega... (butter prawn)

today i cooked 'butter prawn'. haha. the egg does not really 'menjadi' but it tastes so good... quite hot, but still a great companion for hot plain rice...=)

u wanna have the recipe? yeah. bring your lappy to the kitchen and prepare these:

Butter Prawn

Egg Yolk
1/2 kg Prawns (clean, and flavour them with salt, turmeric powder and white pepper powder)
around 5 to 6 Chillies (the tiniest + the hottest)- sliced in little pieces
Curry Leaves ( approx 3 - 4 stalks)
Onions - chopped
Evaporated Milk (around a half cup)

Start Cooking!

1. Fry the prawns until they are half cooked
2. Put it aside
3. Saute a spoonful of butter, fry the egg yolk. Stir the egg yolks very QUICKLY!
4. Put it aside
5. Saute another spoonful of butter. then put inside the chopped onions, chillies and curry leaves at about 2 minutes
6. 'Mingle' them together with the prawns, add up the milk
7. Let it cooked for about 3-4 minutes.
8. Put the egg yolks
9. Ready to serve...Yummy!

P/S: you can also try this recipe with chicken, fish and crabs! n change egg yolks to salted eggs...taste much more yummier!

songs that i learnt from ACJEP~

Things so Singaporeans.
this song is from singapore... (too bad there's no singaporean delegates in this program..) but this song is very catchy. why do i like this song? because it is singaporeans!huhu

--miss the moment i went to singapore with my fellow journalism friends...

Arapiya - from Cambodia

during our trip to every places in brunei, we took bus. so in the bus we sang a lot of country songs.. so this is the song from Cambodia... (i still can see Dina and Toch who are often silence, sang this song very happily... and with tata from laos too)

it is a song about being happy...and lets become happy too!

Rasa Sayang

yeah... this is the song that i sang....rasa sayang eh rasa sayang sayang eh... sounds so malaysia...haha... even though this song is also derived from brunei, indonesia and singapore, but the language is Malay. so where does it really belong? of course, the land of Malays, Malaysia... (no hard feeling yaw =)

" when it comes to Malaysia, we love it, DONT PLAY FOOL."

n in the vid, it is really Malaysian. got rasa sayang in malay, mandarin, tamil and sabahan... very malaysian!

Loy Kratong - from Thailand

and last but not least this is from Thailand. it is the theme of 'Loy Kratong' festival - "Loi" means "to float" and a "krathong" is traditionally made from a section of banana tree trunk.

During the night of the full moon, Thais will float their krathong on a river, canal or a pond lake. The festival is believed to originate in an ancient practice of paying respect to the spirit of the waters. Today it is simply a time to have fun.it is also to pray for better future, happens during the mid of November...

it would be beautiful...n how i wish to go there someday...=)

From ASEAN with Love

Heart wrenching and tragic love stories from the rice stalks region of the world, South East Asia. Stream down the momentous and moving plots from the Asean’s countries as NOR HIDAYATI MOKHTAR compiled and dished up the best of the legendary tragic love saga. Prepare your tissue!

Bolkiah and Laila
Brunei’s story of honourable love

Laila's tomb

It was a love at the first sight when Sultan Bolkiah met her during his cruise. The very beautiful Laila Menchanai appeared from the bubbles drifting on the ocean. Love tied them both when they got married.

As how love was still strapping, Laila was sewing with Sultan resting on her laps until he fell asleep. As she was so moved by the Bolkiah’s love, accidentally she stuck in the golden needles into his finger and sent him to death. So shattered because of her loss love, Laila stabbed herself with the keris of the Sultan. And they were buried just beside each other at the infamous Makam Selarong in Kota Batu.

Tum and Teav
Cambodia’s story of sacrifices

Tum was a monk who travelled to Tbaung Khmum to sell bamboo rice. There he met with beautiful palace singer, Teav and they fell in love. But her mother has promised Teav to marry the powerful governor of the province, Archoun. When Teav was singing, an emissary, Rama fell in love with her and the King promise to marry them. Seeing that, Tum sang a song boldly to profess his love for her. Rama was so touched and allowed them to marry.

But when Teav’s mother learnt about it, she feigned her illness as a ruse to lure Teav back so she could marry Archoun. When Tum knew about this, he made proclamation that Tum was her wife. Archoun was so enraged that he commanded his guards to kill Tum and he was beaten to death under a Bo tree. Grief-stricken, Teav slit her own throat and collapsed on Tum's body. Thus, for love sometimes, people tend to sacrifice everything.

Rama and Sinta
Indonesia’s story of trust

Rama was a King of Ayodya and he won the Princess Sinta’s hand of marriage in fight organized by her father to find for her husband. They fell in love with each other but Rahwana also wanted her. After they got married, Sinta saw a deer in front of their house and requested Rama to get it for her. So he went out to hunt the deer, without knowing that the deer was actually Rahwana’s trick. So Rahwana came to kidnap Sinta to make her his wife.

Sinta was very devoted to her husband and refuse Rahwana. With the help of a garuda, Jatayu Rama knew that his wife was taken by Rahwana. They fight each other and Rahwana got killed. However when everything was well, Rama became curious of Sinta’s virtuosity and asked her to jump into the fire to prove it. Due to her love and determination, she jumped into it and survived with the help of the Fire God. Rama then believed in her and they live happily ever after.

Malong and Bacheng
Laos’ story of obsession

Bacheng, a great army for Laos was deeply in love with the pretty princess Malong. Malong hated him because he was not charming at all, and went to the forest to meet her lover. When the King proclaim for their marriage, Malong escaped with his lover. Bacheng went all the way to find her, and asked why she hated him so much. But Malong did not answer. Bacheng was so mad and tried to kill her lover but accidentally, he struck his sword upon Malong.

Malong and Bacheng mountains

Looking at her condition, Bacheng was too hurt and guilty and he slain himself. Malong was touched by the obsession Bacheng showed her, and she drew Bacheng’s sword to kill herself. Malong could have lived with her lover but why did she kill herself? This is how loving someone without any reasons, lead to true love. Their love was then monumentalized with two alongside mountains named Malong and Bacheng.

Uda and Dara
Malaysia’s story of between two status

This was originally from famous Malaysian’s poet, Usman Awang’s Gadis di Kuburan. In this tragic love story across the status, Uda fell in love with the daughter of a landlord the beautiful Dara. Because Uda was so poor, he swore to find wealth to marry her and left the village. When he came back as a successful man, Dara’s father, Alang claimed Uda is no a blue blood man and deny him.

Malays are judged because of their sense of responsibility to fulfill their promise, So due to the oath he made upon himself, Uda determined to fight for Dara and he ended up died in Dara’s arms after being stabbed by Alang. Upon the killing, Dara lived in despair and wept to death.

Badoy and Agueda
Philippines’ story of reminiscence and regrets

As Don Badoy Montoya visited his old home at Intramuros, Manila, memories of his youth came back. There was a myth about asking the mirror on a midnight about the look of the future husband. So when Agueda was reciting, she was surprised to look at Badoy’s face in it, as it turned to be that Badoy was actually standing behind her. Unexpectedly they got married. After the bitter marriage on May 1847, they were quarreled and separated.

May Day Eve was a short story by Nick Joaquin that turned into Philippine’s classic. So many years passed and Badoy learned from his grandson that he was described by Agueda as ‘devil’ and Don Badoy told his grandson that every time he looks at the mirror, he only sees a ‘witch’ (Agueda). The tragedy of the story is that Badoy’s heart forgot how he loved Agueda in the past. They were not able to mend their broken marriage because they thought they love was a futile.

Well, we can always save our love if we are determined to do so. But, not all’s well, ends well and at the end of the day, there is nothing more but rue and regrets.

Maenak and Peemak
Thailand’s story of forbidden love

Even death can’t deny love. Thai’s famous legend about Maenak is not a usual love story. When Peemak left her for war without knowing his wife was pregnant, she waited for Peemak in devotion. When Peemak was back to her arms, Maenak was already given birth.

But the villagers told Peemak that his wife already dead when giving birth.

Too hate to admit, Paemak peeped Maenak when she was cooking and he saw Maenak longed her hand to get a lemon from the ground. Paemak was too sad to know his wife is already a ghost, but so touched for the enduring love of his wife. Thus he united all the strength he got to advice her to rest for reincarnation.

Although he could not imagine what life would it be for him without her, he did not want Maenak to be ‘living’ like that. So with the promise to meet again in the life after, Maenak obeyed him and they dispersed in the tearful separation.

Von Hong Phu
Vietnam’s story of the restraining hope

A long time ago in a small village there was a young woman whose husband had gone to do business. Thus she stayed home and raised her son alone. When the son was four, he always asking for his father, where he was and why he was not at home. To make her son happy, the woman pointed to her shadow and told the son, "There, that is your father." From that day on, the son looked to his mother's shadow as his father. Every time he was sad he would talk to the shadow as if he was talking to his father.

One day, the husband returned and he was so eager to play with his son. But the son refused to acknowledge the husband as his father. The son said, "You're not my father. My father is the one that always follows my mother." After hearing that, the husband thought his wife had an affair with another man. Angry at the betrayal of his wife, he left the family.

The woman, not understanding why her husband left again, bore her child to the top of a mountain. And there she stood waiting for her husband to come back until she was set into stone.

And that was the legend of the Von Hong Phu, meant "the stone waiting for her husband".

Von Hong Phu (Milky Way in Vietnam)

P/S: this article I wrote for the ASEAN bulletin during my course in Brunei/Indonesia. the bulletin, ASEAN Insights was aimed to highlight on ASEAN countries. well, for these stories, I think I love Thai's the most.

MC221 5A: Gara-gara Terlalu Rindu kat Korang Semua...

Semalam aku mimpi dak2 kelas aku. lucu... tanggal 25 Jun ni si ROha akan melansungkan pertunangan so kami sekelas pakat2 nak pegy la... majlis tu kat cherating so konon2 ade la plan mau lepak di sana buat semalaman untuk hang out mcm time blaja dlu. huhu

Jadi pada mlm lepas je majlis tu setel (alhamdulillah) kami (aku, kakak, asya, auni,cida dan fareez) naik keta kakak pegy cari kedai minum nk lepak2 borak2.

si syafiq lak merempit ngan irene g cari chalet area cherating tu la untuk nak book brg semalam dua nk tido.( irene kurus ni)

pastu tatau nape kami semua leh sesat lak tak jumpe kedai minum. last jumpe kat area balai polis. design balai polis tu mcm balai polis kat raub (jauh sesat neyh). memang nmpk sngt la menipu. huhu.

so bile si roha da selamat bertunang, dia pn merempit lah ngan si aida dtg nk lepak sama2. ngape tah leh diorang dtg merempit skali. aku rasa last aku teringat time diorang naik moto sekali dlu kot. huhu. tp bak kata irene, mimpi ialah masa depan.

aih. masa depan roha merempit ngan aida? hehehe

antara yang lucu lagi dlm mimpi tu, si asya demam. tidor di chalet smbil pakai topeng mickey. bodo sgt mimpi aku ni. tp si fareez la yg jaga dia. tolong kasi ubat pe sume. huhu. so sweet..

cikkin, iera n kerol pulak dlm perjalanan satu keta. lambat benor diorang nih. singgah shh alam dlu jumpe VC dan Dekan. huhu. macam2.

tu la mimpi gile aku sebab terlalu rindu kat rakan sekelas aku... rakan sekelas yang terbaik pernah aku dapat...

dlu time diploma aku ade rakan sekelas gak. tp skarang walaupun dok blaja satu UiTM, jumpe pun tego paksa rela je. aku pun heran. dlu time Dip bukan main lagi. siap leh kuar jejalan bandar lagi sesame. Guess time changes people right. hope sesangat rakan sekelas aku time degree ni akan tetap kekal bersama rapat buat selama-lamanya... :)

line atas: dari kiri abg long (aida), cida k-pop, aku(yang paling kool n hotz. haha), nor (puan yati) n asya (kaklong lam kelas. leh sya? haha. taklah. asya lagi hotz dari aku)

line tengah:cikkin k-pop 2, irene (aku cantik ba!), syafiq (encik graphic plus, penari aakhen khuli), fareez (otak masuk air, penyanyi terpendam), fiza maksu, kakak aida aris.

line plg bawah: roha rempit, iera emok, onie chan, *jangan konfius yg ane satu emok...haha), sarah cikeding, zura karim(pipi gemuk). hehehe....jgn marah...

tiada dalam gambar: kerol (memiliki bakat terpendam iaitu ketawa. :P)

pix ni hasil kreativiti syafiq. siap bagi sorang satu frame gmbr yg da print lagi. soft spot of the tough guy. huhu.

Guys budak2 MC221 5A... secara jujurnya aku sgt2 rindu kat korang!...huhu... moga kita kekal sahabat smpai bila2. masa dan takdir mungkin boleh pisahkan kita. namun segalnya di hati masing2. walaupun kita sudah berjauhan,bg aku kita tetap kawan kapal selamanya. cheers!

PS: jangan segan nk mintak tolong ke ape2 lau perlukan. jangan sesekali lupa aku bila menempuh hari bahagia. :). love u all sgt2!